
Retailers Prepare for the Holiday Layaway Season

The National Retail Federation reports 40 percent of Americans will start their holiday shopping before Halloween. To gear up for these early bird shoppers, retailers like Wal-Mart, Toys “R “Us, Best Buy, Marshall’s and TJ Maxx are launching layaway programs in the coming weeks. Wal-Mart is implementing a $10 cancellation fee for holiday layaways. Kmart […]

The National Retail Federation reports 40 percent of Americans will start their holiday shopping before Halloween. To gear up for these early bird shoppers, retailers like Wal-Mart, Toys “R “Us, Best Buy, Marshall’s and TJ Maxx are launching layaway programs in the coming weeks. Wal-Mart is implementing a $10 cancellation fee for holiday layaways. Kmart and Toys “R” Us will charge a $5 entry fee with a $10 cancellation fee.

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