
Bubble Reports Steady Traffic at 7th Edition

The management for Bubble New York, which held its seventh children’s trade show March 8-10, reported that traffic was comparable to the last seasonal show despite the economic climate, with approximately 1,026 attendees visiting the 95 exhibitors—41 of whom were new to the show. Fourteen percent of buyers came from international locations, including Belgium, Brazil, […]

The management for Bubble New York, which held its seventh children’s trade show March 8-10, reported that traffic was comparable to the last seasonal show despite the economic climate, with approximately 1,026 attendees visiting the 95 exhibitors—41 of whom were new to the show. Fourteen percent of buyers came from international locations, including Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Spain and the United Kingdom.

“This edition of Bubble was successful and encouraging for the children’s business in general, knowing the difficult context,” Bubble co-founder Florence Rolando said. “Retailers… reported a noticeable slowdown in sales, but those who conduct their business with an open mind and passion are optimistic about their future.” Rolando noted it is Bubble’s mission to find the best brands and help retailers navigate the market. Visit www.bubblenewyork.com.

March 2009 Earnshaws

In This Issue:
Global influences drive European fashion for fall
Manufacturers build in special features to boost sell through
Russian themes color specialty fashion this season
Plus: Little Steps Fall ’09—fall shoe trends, emerging categories and a Q&A with BBC’s Bob Campbell

Coming Next Month:
Eco battles the economy—which categories will fare best
Earnshaw’s investigates the T-shirt market
Lifestyle brands rule the fashion pages
Plus: The best new baby shower gifts under $50


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