
A Little Less Mini

Frenchie Mini Couture anticipates sales increase with recent size expansion.

For Frenchie Mini Couture, expanding its size range meant nothing to lose and everything to gain. Beginning in Spring ’18, the childrenswear brand is offering sizes up to 16 for girls and 14 for boys. Rona Greene, director of corporate sales, says the decision was made based on the brand’s growing popularity and easily adaptable silhouettes.

“Our customers kept requesting us to go up in size,” Greene says, noting how important it is for brands to grow with their audience. “I’m sure it will be very beneficial for sales,” she adds, noticing that more retail partners are going up to tween in order to appeal to their (literally) growing customer base.  

Looking ahead to Fall ’18, the brand will offer new textures and colorful faux furs for girls, as well as unusual camouflage and Santa Fe-inspired looks for boys.


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