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March 2019

From the March 2019 Issue

  • Fashion

    European Union

  • Behind the Seams

    Lucky Charms

  • Q&A

    Going Back to Bali

  • Scene and Heard

    Remembering Kourageous Kids Co-founder Kim Spellman

  • Be the Buyer

    Dream Big

  • Final Cut

    Double Play

  • A Note to my Younger Self

    It’s the Little Things

  • What's Selling

    What’s Selling: Just Hatched – Guilford, CT

  • Behind the Seams

    Windows to the Soles

  • Trend Report

    The Pitti Things

  • Preview

    Class Act

  • Trend Watch

    Vroom, Vroom! 

  • Featured Articles

    Exhibitor Spotlight